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RenderingQueue Enumeration
Pre-defined rendering queue. Every rendering queue have drawing settings and their order determine the order in which object batches will be drawn.

Namespace:  GeonBit.Core.Graphics
Assembly:  GeonBit (in GeonBit.dll) Version: (
public enum RenderingQueue
  Member nameValueDescription
NoQueue-1 Will not use rendering queue, but simply draw this entity the moment the draw function is called. This does not guarantee any specific order and will use default device settings.
SolidBackNoCull0 Draw solid entities without depth buffer and without any culling. Everything drawn in the other queues will cover entities in this queue.
Solid1 Draw solid entities with depth buffer. This is the default queue for simple 3D meshes without alpha channels.
Terrain2 Drawing settings for solid terrain meshes.
Billboards3 Drawing settings for billboards.
Background4 Draw after all the solid queues, without affecting the depth buffer. This means it draw things in the background that will not hide any other objects.
BackgroundNoCull5 Draw after all the solid queues, without affecting the depth buffer and without culling. This means it draw things in the background that will not hide any other objects.
OpacityUnordered6 For entities with opacity, but does not order by distance from camera. This means its a good queue for entities with alpha channels on top of solid items, but its not suitable if entities with alpha may cover each other.
Opacity7 For entities with opacity, order renderings by distance from camera. This is the best queue to use for dynamic entities with alpha channels that might cover each other.
Mixed8 For entities that are mostly solid and opaque, but have some transparent elements in them.
Wireframe9 Special queue that draws everything as wireframe.
EffectsUnordered10 For special effects and particles, but will still use depth buffer, and will not sort by distance from camera.
Effects11 For special effects and particles, but will still use depth buffer, and will sort by distance from camera.
EffectsOverlay12 For special effects and particles, does not use depth buffer (eg will always be rendered on top).
Overlay13 Renders last, on top of everything, without using depth buffer.
Debug14 Render queue for debug purposes. Note: this queue only draws when in debug mode!
See Also