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GeonBit.Core.Graphics Namespace
GeonBit.Core.Graphics implement all the core graphic entities.
Public classBaseRenderableEntity
A basic renderable entity.
Public classBlendStates
All built-in blend states.
Public classBoundingBoxCullingNode
Bounding-Box culling node will calculate the bounding box of the node and its children, and will cull out if it doesn't intersect with the camera frustum.
Public classBoundingBoxEntity
Draw a bounding box. Note: for debug purposes only, don't use in actual game.
Public classBoundingSphereCullingNode
Bounding-Sphere culling node will calculate the bounding sphere of the node and its children, and will cull out if it doesn't intersect with the camera frustum.
Public classCameraEntity
A 3d camera object.
Public classCombinedMeshesEntity
A special renderer that takes several other renderers (meshes, models etc) and merge them into a single batch. This optimization allows you to build levels out of static models, and reduce draw calls by merging them into one static mesh at runtime. Note: While its a good way to reduce draw calls, don't create combined meshes too big or else you'll lose some culling optimizations.
Public classCompositeModelEntity
A renderable model, made of multiple mesh renderers. This type of model is slightly slower than the SimpleModelEntity and ModelEntity, but has the following advantages: 1. finer-grain control over parts of the model. 2. proper camera-distance sorting if the model contains both opaque and transparent parts.
Public classCullingNode
A base culling node class for nodes capable of culling optimization.
Public classGraphicsManager
A global static class for graphic utilities and management.
Public classMaterialOverrides
Helper class to manage materials override properties. You can use this class to set color, material, specular, etc for a specific model renderers, without having to create a new material for them. This allow you to easily override material's defaults without having to define lots of different materials, but note that this method is slightly slower so don't use it on too many entities at the same time.
Public classMeshEntity
A basic renderable mesh (part of a model).
Public classModelEntity
A basic renderable model. This type of model renderer renders the entire model as a single unit, and not as multiple meshes, but still provide some control over materials etc.
Public classNode
A basic scene node with transformations. You can attach renderable entities to it, or child nodes that will inherit its transformations.
Public classNodesManager
Static class to manage node updates and caching.
Public classParticleNode
A scene node optimized for particles.
Public classSimpleModelEntity
A basic renderable model with minimum control over materials and meshes, but with best performance compared to other model renderer types. Use this class if you want lots of models of the same type that don't require any special properties.
Public classSkinnedModelEntity
Skinned animation model entity (render model as a whole, with animation clips supported).
Public classSpriteAnimationClip
Define an animation clip from animation steps.
Public classSpriteAnimationClipPlay
A sprite animation clip that's currently playing.
Public classSpriteEntity
A sprite entity (3d quad that always faces camera and plays animation from spritesheet texture file).
Public classSpriteSheet
Spritesheet define animation steps of a spritesheet texture. For example, if you have a spritesheet that describe 4 steps of a walking animation, this object define the steps of the spritesheet and its texture coords.
Public classSpriteSheetStep
A single step inside a spritesheet.
Public interfaceIEntity
A basic renderable entity.
Public delegateAnimationCallback
Callback to execute when animation start / ends.
Public delegateDefaultMaterialGenerator
A callback to generate the default materials all loaded meshes will recieve.
Public delegateEntityEventCallback
A callback function you can register on different entity-related events.
Public delegateNodeEventCallback
A callback function you can register on different node-related events.
Public delegateOnAnimationClipEnds
A callback function for when animation clip ends.
Public enumerationAnimatedMode
Different ways we can animated skinned mesh.
Public enumerationCameraType
Camera types.
Public enumerationRenderingQueue
Pre-defined rendering queue. Every rendering queue have drawing settings and their order determine the order in which object batches will be drawn.