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GeonBit.Managers Namespace
GeonBit.Managers contains all the built-in GeonBit manager classes.
Public classApplication
Provide application-level utilities.
Public classConfigStorage
Provide a basic persistent storage for configuration and user-preference data. Note: the reason this manager is said to be for config and not for general purpose is because it does not guarantee good performance and it should not be used with too many (= millions) records. In addition, it has a very basic API.
Public classDiagnostic
Provide diagnostic-related utilities.
Public classEasyManagersGetters
Provide a shortcut to all the important public stuff and core managers. Once inherit from this, you can easily access managers with "Managers.Manager" style.
Public classGameFiles
Provide easier access to game files.
Public classGameInput
Provide high-level game input API.
Public classGraphicsManager
Provide game-related utilities.
Public classPlugins
Manage external plugins (load them on startup etc).
Public classPrototypes
Manage GameObject prototypes that we can spawn.
Public classSoundManager
Manage game sound and provide sound-related utils
Public classTimeManager
Provide time-related utilities.
Public interfaceIManager
API for a public manager class.
Public delegateGameObjectGenerator
A generator function to spawn a new GameObject. This function is used when registering a function as a prototype.
Public enumerationGameFilesFileFormats
Different file formats we can use.