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GeonBit.Core.Physics.CollisionShapes Namespace
GeonBit.Core.Physics.CollisionShapes contain all the physical shapes we can use for rigid bodies.
Public classCollisionBox
Box collision shape.
Public classCollisionBox2D
2d Box collision shape.
Public classCollisionCapsule
Capsule collision shape.
Public classCollisionCompoundShape
A compound shape, made of one or more collision shapes combined together. This is a great way to optimize static objects.
Public classCollisionCone
Cone collision shape.
Public classCollisionConvexHull
Convex-Hull collision shape.
Public classCollisionCylinder
Cone collision shape.
Public classCollisionEndlessPlane
Endless plane collision shape.
Public classCollisionHeightMap
Height map collision shape (used for terrains).
Public classCollisionSphere
Sphere shape.
Public classCollisionTriangle
Triangle collision shape.
Public classICollisionShape
The interface of a physical collision shape.
Public enumerationCapsuleDirectionAxis
Which axis the capsule is aligned with.
Public enumerationConeDirectionAxis
Which axis the cone is aligned with.
Public enumerationCylinderDirectionAxis
Which axis the cylinder is aligned with.