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GeonBit.Core.Physics Namespace
GeonBit.Core.Physics implement physics related stuff.
Public classBasicPhysicalBody
A Physical body is the basic object of the physics world. They are affected by forces and collide with each other. Physical Entity = Rigid Body + Collision Shape.
Public classCollisionGroups
Contain a set of pre-defined collision groups. This is just for your convinience, you do not have to use this.
Public classCollisionMasks
Contain a set of pre-defined collision masks. This is just for your convinience, you do not have to use this.
Public classKinematicBody
A kinematic collision object that don't respond to forces. This is useful for things like elevators, moving platforms, etc. In other words - objects that move and interact, but ignore outside forces.
Public classPhysicsDebugDraw
Draw Bullet3d physical world using MonoGame graphic device, for debug purposes.
Public classPhysicsWorld
The physical world.
Public classRigidBody
A rigid body is the basic dynamic object of the physics world. They are affected by forces, collide with each other, and trigger different events.
Public classStaticBody
A static collision object that does not respond to events and can't be moved. This is useful for really static things that can only block and collide, but don't really do anything else (trees, rocks, etc..).
Public classToBullet
Convert from MonoGame to Bullet3d.
Public classToMonoGame
Convert from Bullet3d to MonoGame.
Public structureCollisionData
Data provided to physics collision callbacks.
Public structureRaycastResults
Raycast results object.
Public structureRaycastResultsSingleResult
All the data of a single raycast result.