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GeonBit.ECS.Components.Graphics Namespace
GeonBit.ECS.Components.Graphics contain graphic-related components.
Public classBaseRendererComponent
Base implementation for most graphics-related components.
Public classBillboardRenderer
This component renders a 3D quad that always faces the active camera.
Public classBoundingBoxRenderer
This component renders a bounding-box around this GameObject.
Public classCamera
This component implements a 3d camera.
Public classCombinedMeshesRenderer
This component combine together several meshes into a single static mesh. It reduceses draw calls and optimize renderings. Use this for stuff like building rooms, levels, etc. Anything made of multiple static meshes.
Public classCompositeModelRenderer
This component renders a 3D model but also provide a fine control over its internal meshes. Its slightly slower than SimpleModelRenderer and ModelRenderer, but provide more control and better distance-from-camera sorting for transparency.
Public classLight
This component implements a light source.
Public classModelMeshRenderer
This component renders a a specific mesh from a 3D model.
Public classModelRenderer
This component renders a 3D model.
Public classSceneBackground
Add a simple texture-based background to the scene.
Public classShapeRenderer
This component renders a 3D shape from a collection of predefined meshes.
Public classSimpleModelRenderer
This component renders a simple 3D model. Unlike the ModelRenderer, this component is less customizeable, but renders slightly faster.
Public classSkinnedModelRenderer
This component renders an animated skinned 3D model.
Public classSkyBox
This component renders a 3d skybox.
Public classSpriteRenderer
This component renders a 3D quad that always faces the active camera, with animated sprite on it.
Public enumerationBackgroundDrawMode
Different modes to draw scene background.
Public enumerationShapeMeshes
Possible shapes we can draw.