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SoundEffect Fields

The SoundEffect type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAsDebug
If true, it means this component was added to its parent in debug mode.
(Inherited from BaseComponent.)
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultListener
A default listener to use for 3D sound effects that have no listener and don't use the camera as default.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultListenerForward
Default 'Forward' vector to use for 3D sound effect listeners.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultListenerUp
Default 'Up' vector to use for 3D sound effect listeners.
Public fieldDistanceFadeFactor
If a listener object is set, this factor will determine how much the volume will decrease per distance unit.
Public fieldListener
Optional Game Object you can set as the "listener" source for 3d sounds. If set, will decrease volume as the distance grows between this sound effect and the object.
Public fieldPlayOnSpawn
If true, will play this sound effect immediately on spawn event.
Public fieldUseCameraAsListener
If true, 'Listener' object will always be the currently active camera.
See Also