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SkinnedModelEntity Fields

The SkinnedModelEntity type exposes the following members.

Public fieldBlendingState
Blending state for this entity.
(Inherited from BaseRenderableEntity.)
Public fieldLockWhileTransitioning
If true, and trying to change animation while still transitioning from previous animation, will not replace animation and lock until animation transition is complete.
Public fieldOnAnimationEnds
Optional callback to invoke every time an animation cycle ends.
Public fieldOnAnimationStart
Optional callback to invoke every time an animation cycle begins.
Public fieldRenderingQueue
Which rendering queue to use for this entity. Rendering queues determine different rendering settings (like opacity support, blending, sorting etc) + the order in which the entities are drawn.
(Inherited from BaseRenderableEntity.)
Public fieldTransitionTime
If > 0f, whenever we change clip we will transition into new animation clip, in an interpolation that will take this many seconds.
See Also