Click or drag to resize
Entity Properties

The Entity type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnchor
Set / get anchor.
Public propertyBackground
Optional background entity that will not respond to events and will always be rendered right behind this entity.
Public propertyChildren
Get / set children list.
Public propertyDraggable
Is the entity draggable (eg can a user grab it and drag it around).
Public propertyEntityDefaultSize
Return the default size for this entity.
Public propertyFillColor
Entity fill color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default fill color style property.
Public propertyInternalDestRect
Get internal destination rect.
Public propertyIsFocused
Does this entity or one of its children currently focused?
Public propertyIsMouseDown
Return if the mouse is currently pressing on this entity (eg over it and left mouse button is down).
Public propertyIsMouseOver
Return if the mouse is currently over this entity (regardless of whether or not mouse button is down).
Public propertyMaxSize
If defined, will limit the maximum size of this entity when calculating size. This is especially useful for entities with size that depends on their parent entity size, for example if you define an entity to take 20% of its parent space but can't be more than 200 pixels width.
Public propertyMinSize
If defined, will limit the minimum size of this entity when calculating size. This is especially useful for entities with size that depends on their parent entity size, for example if you define an entity to take 20% of its parent space but can't be less than 200 pixels width.
Public propertyOffset
Set / get offset.
Public propertyOpacity
Entity fill color opacity - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default fill color alpha style property.
Public propertyOutlineColor
Entity outline color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color style property.
Public propertyOutlineOpacity
Entity outline color opacity - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color alpha style property.
Public propertyOutlineWidth
Entity outline width - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color style property.
Public propertyPadding
Entity padding - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default padding style property.
Public propertyParent
Get the direct parent of this entity.
Public propertyRawStyleSheet
Get / set raw stylesheet.
Public propertyScale
Entity scale - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default scale style property.
Public propertyShadowColor
Entity shadow color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow color style property.
Public propertyShadowOffset
Entity shadow offset - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow offset style property.
Public propertyShadowScale
Entity shadow scale - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow scale style property.
Public propertySize
Entity current size property.
Public propertySpaceAfter
Extra space (in pixels) to reserve *after* this entity when using Auto Anchors.
Public propertySpaceBefore
Extra space (in pixels) to reserve *before* this entity when using Auto Anchors.
Public propertyState
Current entity state (default / mouse hover / mouse down..).
Public propertyVisible
Set / get visibility.
See Also