Click or drag to resize
GeonBit.UI.Entities Namespace
GeonBit.UI.Entities contains all the UI elements you can create and use in your layouts.
Public classButton
A clickable button with label on it.
Public classCheckBox
A checkbox entity, eg a label with a square you can mark as checked or uncheck. Holds a boolean value.
Public classColoredRectangle
A colored rectangle with outline.
Public classDropDown
DropDown is just like a list, but it only shows the currently selected value unless clicked on (the list is only revealed while interacted with).
Public classEntity
Basic UI entity. All entities inherit from this class and share this API.
Public classHeader
Header entity is a subclass of Paragraph. Basically its the same, but with a different default styling, and serves as a sugarcoat to quickly create headers for menues.
Public classHorizontalLine
An horizontal line, used to separate between different sections of a panel or to emphasize headers.
Public classIcon
A simple UI icon. Comes we a selection of pre-defined icons to use + optional inventory-like background.
Public classImage
A renderable image (draw custom texture on UI entities).
Public classLabel
Label entity is a subclass of Paragraph. Basically its the same, but with a different default styling, and serves as a sugarcoat to quickly create labels for widgets.
Public classLineSpace
A line space is just a spacer for Auto-Anchored entities, eg a method to create artificial distance between rows.
Public classPanel
A graphical panel or form you can create and add entities to. Used to group together entities with common logic.
Public classPanelBase
A graphical panel or form you can create and add entities to. Used to group together entities with common logic.
Public classPanelTabs
A graphical panel or form you can create and add entities to. Used to group together entities with common logic.
Public classParagraph
Paragraph is a renderable text. It can be multiline, wrap words, have outline, etc.
Public classProgressBar
A sub-class of the slider entity, with graphics more fitting for a progress bar or things like hp bar etc. Behaves the same as a slider, if you want it to be for display only (and not changeable by user), simple set Locked = true.
Public classRadioButton
A Radio Button entity is like a checkbox (label with a box next to it that can be checked / unchecked) with the exception that whenever a radio button is checked, all its siblings are unchecked automatically.
Public classRichParagraph
Multicolor Paragraph is a paragraph that supports in-text color tags that changes the fill color of the text.
Public classRootPanel
A special panel used as the root panel that covers the entire screen. This panel is used internally to serve as the constant root entity in the entities tree.
Public classSelectList
List of items (strings) user can scroll and pick from.
Public classSlider
Slider entity looks like a horizontal scrollbar that the user can drag left and right to select a numeric value from range.
Public classStyleSheet
Set of style properties for different entity states. For example, stylesheet can define that when mouse hover over a paragraph, its text turns red.
Public classTabData
Contains the button and panel of a single tab in the PanelTabs.
Public classTextInput
A textbox that allow users to put in free text.
Public classVerticalScrollbar
Used internally as a scrollbar for lists, text boxes, etc..
Public structureRichParagraphStyleInstruction
Hold style changes instructions for rich paragraphs.
Public delegateRichParagraphPerCharacterManipulationFunc
A function to add per-character manipulation, used for advanced animations.
Public enumerationAnchor
An Anchor is a pre-defined position in parent entity that we use to position a child. For eample, we can use anchors to position an entity at the bottom-center point of its parent. Note: anchor affect both the position relative to parent and also the offset origin point of the entity.
Public enumerationButtonSkin
Button skins.
Public enumerationDrawPhase
Different draw phases of the entity.
Public enumerationEntityState
Possible entity states and interactions with user.
Public enumerationFontStyle
Font styles.
Public enumerationIconType
Pre-defined icons you can use.
Public enumerationImageDrawMode
Image drawing modes, eg how to draw the image and fill the destination rectangle with its texture.
Public enumerationPanelOverflowBehavior
How to treat entities that overflow panel boundaries.
Public enumerationPanelSkin
Different panel textures you can use.
Public enumerationSliderSkin
Different sliders skins (textures).