MaterialDirtyFlags Enumeration |
Track which material parameters need to be recomputed during the next OnApply.
GeonBit (in GeonBit.dll) Version: (
Syntaxpublic enum MaterialDirtyFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| World | 1 |
Change in world matrix.
| LightSources | 2 |
Change in light sources, not including ambient or emissive.
| MaterialColors | 4 |
Change in material color params (can be diffuse, specular, etc. This includes specular power as well.)
| Alpha | 8 |
Change in material alpha.
| TextureParams | 16 |
Change in texture, texture enabled, or other texture-related params.
| LightingParams | 32 |
Lighting params changed (enabled disabled / smooth lighting mode).
| Fog | 64 |
Change in fog-related params.
| AlphaTest | 128 |
Chage in alpha-test related params.
| Bones | 256 |
Change in skinned mesh bone transformations.
| AmbientLight | 512 |
Change in ambient light color.
| EmissiveLight | 1024 |
Change in emissive light color.
| All | 2147483647 |
All dirty flags.
See Also