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Items Sorter


Utility class to arrange rectangles in minimal region.

Kind: global class

ItemsSorter.arrangeRectangles(rectangles, [processRegionWidthMethod], [extraMargins]) ⇒ \*

Efficiently arrange rectangles into a minimal size area. Based on code from here:

Kind: static method of ItemsSorter
Returns: \* - Result object with the following keys: {width, height, rectangles, utilized}. width = required container width. height = required container width. rectangles = list of sorted rectangles. every entry has {x, y, width, height, source} where x and y are the offset in container and source is the source input object. utilized = how much of the output space was utilized.

Param Type Description
rectangles Array.<(Rectangle\|Vector2\|\*)> Array of vectors or rectangles to sort. If the object have ‘width’ and ‘height’ properties, these properties will be used to define the rectangle size. If not but the object have ‘x’ and ‘y’ properties, x and y will be taken instead. The source object will be included in the result objects.
[processRegionWidthMethod] function If provided, will run this method when trying to decide on the result region width. Method receive desired width as argument, and return a new width to override the decision. You can use this method to limit max width or round it to multiplies of 2 for textures. Note: by default, the algorithm will try to create a square region.
[extraMargins] Vector2 Optional extra empty pixels to add between textures in atlas.


// 'id' will be used to identify the items after the sort.
let boxes = [{x: 100, y: 50, id: 1}, {x: 50, y: 70, id: 2}, {x: 125, y: 85, id: 3}, ... more boxes here ];
let result = RectanglesSorter.arrangeRectangles(boxes);
// show result
console.log(`Output region size is: ${result.width},${result.height}, and it utilizes ${result.utilized} of the area.`);
for (let res of result.rectangles) {
  console.log(`Rectangle ${} is at position: ${res.x},${res.y}.`);