A collision world is a set of collision shapes that interact with each other. You can use different collision worlds to represent different levels or different parts of your game world.
Kind: global class
Create the collision world.
Param | Type | Description |
resolver | CollisionResolver |
Collision resolver to use for this world. |
gridCellSize | Number | Vector2 |
For optimize collision testing, the collision world is divided into a collision grid. This param determine the grid cell size. |
Collision resolver used in this collision world. By default, will inherit the collision manager default resolver.
Kind: instance property of CollisionWorld
Get current stats.
Kind: instance property of CollisionWorld
Returns: \*
- Dictionary with the following stats:
updatedShapes: number of times we updated or added new shapes.
addedShapes: number of new shapes added.
deletedGridCells: grid cells that got deleted after they were empty.
createdGridCell: new grid cells created.
broadPhaseShapesChecksPrePredicate: how many shapes were tested in a broadphase check, before the predicate method was called.
broadPhaseShapesChecksPostPredicate: how many shapes were tested in a broadphase check, after the predicate method was called.
broadPhaseCalls: how many broadphase calls were made
collisionChecks: how many shape-vs-shape collision checks were actually made.
collisionMatches: how many collision checks were positive.
Reset stats.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Iterate all shapes in world.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Param | Type | Description |
callback | function |
Callback to invoke on all shapes. Return false to break iteration. |
Add a collision shape to this world.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Param | Type | Description |
shape | CollisionShape |
Shape to add. |
Remove a collision shape from this world.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Param | Type | Description |
shape | CollisionShape |
Shape to remove. |
Test collision with shapes in world, and return just the first result found.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Returns: CollisionTestResult
- A collision test result, or null if not found.
Param | Type | Description |
sourceShape | CollisionShape |
Source shape to check collision for. If shape is in world, it will not collide with itself. |
sortByDistance | Boolean |
If true will return the nearest collision found (based on center of shapes). |
mask | Number |
Optional mask of bits to match against shapes collisionFlags. Will only return shapes that have at least one common bit. |
predicate | function |
Optional filter to run on any shape we’re about to test collision with. If the predicate returns false, we will skip this shape. |
Test collision with shapes in world, and return all results found.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Returns: Array.<CollisionTestResult>
- An array of collision test results, or empty array if none found.
Param | Type | Description |
sourceShape | CollisionShape |
Source shape to check collision for. If shape is in world, it will not collide with itself. |
sortByDistance | Boolean |
If true will sort results by distance. |
mask | Number |
Optional mask of bits to match against shapes collisionFlags. Will only return shapes that have at least one common bit. |
predicate | function |
Optional filter to run on any shape we’re about to test collision with. If the predicate returns false, we will skip this shape. |
intermediateProcessor | function |
Optional method to run after each positive result with the collision result as param. Return false to stop and return results. |
Return array of shapes that touch a given position, with optional radius.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Returns: Array.<CollisionShape>
- Array with collision shapes we picked.
Param | Type | Description |
position | \* |
Position to pick. |
radius | \* |
Optional picking radius to use a circle instead of a point. |
sortByDistance | \* |
If true, will sort results by distance from point. |
mask | \* |
Collision mask to filter by. |
predicate | \* |
Optional predicate method to filter by. |
let shapes = world.pick(Shaku.input.mousePosition);
Set the shapes batch to use for debug-drawing this collision world.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Param | Type | Description |
batch | ShapesBatch |
Batch to use for debug draw. |
Return the currently set debug draw batch, or create a new one if needed.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Returns: ShapesBatch
- Shapes batch instance used to debug-draw collision world.
Debug-draw the current collision world.
Kind: instance method of CollisionWorld
Param | Type | Description |
gridColor | Color |
Optional grid color (default to black). |
gridHighlitColor | Color |
Optional grid color for cells with shapes in them (default to red). |
opacity | Number |
Optional opacity factor (default to 0.5). |
camera | Camera |
Optional camera for offset and viewport. |