Assets manager class. Used to create, load and cache game assets, which includes textures, audio files, JSON objects, etc. As a rule of thumb, all methods to load or create assets are async and return a promise.
To access the Assets manager you use Shaku.assets
Kind: global class
Create the manager.
Optional URL root to prepend to all loaded assets URLs. For example, if all your assets are under ‘/static/assets/’, you can set this url as root and omit it when loading assets later.
Kind: instance property of Assets
Optional suffix to add to all loaded assets URLs. You can use this for anti-cache mechanism if you want to reload all assets. For example, you can set this value to “‘?dt=’ +”.
Kind: instance property of Assets
Get list of assets waiting to be loaded. This list will be reset if you call clearCache().
Kind: instance property of Assets
Returns: Array.<string>
- URLs of assets waiting to be loaded.
Get list of assets that failed to load. This list will be reset if you call clearCache().
Kind: instance property of Assets
Returns: Array.<string>
- URLs of assets that had error loading.
Return a promise that will be resolved only when all pending assets are loaded. If an asset fails, will reject.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise
- Promise to resolve when all assets are loaded, or reject if there are failed assets.
await Shaku.assets.waitForAll();
console.log("All assets are loaded!");
Get asset directly from cache, synchronous and without a Promise.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Asset
- Asset or null if not loaded.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL or name. |
Load a sound asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<SoundAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL. |
let sound = await Shaku.assets.loadSound("assets/my_sound.ogg");
Load a texture asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<TextureAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL. |
[params] | \* |
Optional params dictionary. See TextureAsset.load() for more details. |
let texture = await Shaku.assets.loadTexture("assets/my_texture.png", {generateMipMaps: false});
Create a render target texture asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<TextureAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
name | String | null |
Asset name (matched to URLs when using cache). If null, will not add to cache. |
width | Number |
Texture width. |
height | Number |
Texture height. |
[channels] | Number |
Texture channels count. Defaults to 4 (RGBA). |
let width = 512;
let height = 512;
let renderTarget = await Shaku.assets.createRenderTarget("optional_render_target_asset_id", width, height);
Create a texture atlas asset.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<TextureAtlas>
- Promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
name | String | null |
Asset name (matched to URLs when using cache). If null, will not add to cache. |
sources | Array.<String> |
List of URLs to load textures from. |
[maxWidth] | Number |
Optional atlas textures max width. |
[maxHeight] | Number |
Optional atlas textures max height. |
[extraMargins] | Vector2 |
Optional extra empty pixels to add between textures in atlas. |
Load a font texture asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<FontTextureAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL. |
params | \* |
Optional params dictionary. See FontTextureAsset.load() for more details. |
let fontTexture = await Shaku.assets.loadFontTexture('assets/DejaVuSansMono.ttf', {fontName: 'DejaVuSansMono'});
Load a MSDF font texture asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<MsdfFontTextureAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL. |
[params] | \* |
Optional params dictionary. See MsdfFontTextureAsset.load() for more details. |
let fontTexture = await Shaku.assets.loadMsdfFontTexture('DejaVuSansMono.font', {jsonUrl: 'assets/DejaVuSansMono.json', textureUrl: 'assets/DejaVuSansMono.png'});
Load a json asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<JsonAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL. |
let jsonData = await Shaku.assets.loadJson('assets/my_json_data.json');
Create a new json asset. If already exist, will reject promise.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<JsonAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when ready. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
name | String |
Asset name (matched to URLs when using cache). If null, will not add to cache. |
data | Object | String |
Optional starting data. |
let jsonData = await Shaku.assets.createJson('optional_json_data_id', {"foo": "bar"});
// you can now load this asset from anywhere in your code using 'optional_json_data_id' as url
Load a binary data asset. If already loaded, will use cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<BinaryAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when loaded. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL. |
let binData = await Shaku.assets.loadBinary('assets/my_bin_data.dat');
Create a new binary asset. If already exist, will reject promise.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Returns: Promise.<BinaryAsset>
- promise to resolve with asset instance, when ready. You can access the loading asset with .asset
on the promise.
Param | Type | Description |
name | String |
Asset name (matched to URLs when using cache). If null, will not add to cache. |
data | Array.<Number> | Uint8Array |
Binary data to set. |
let binData = await Shaku.assets.createBinary('optional_bin_data_id', [1,2,3,4]);
// you can now load this asset from anywhere in your code using 'optional_bin_data_id' as url
Destroy and free asset from cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
Asset URL to free. |
Free all loaded assets from cache.
Kind: instance method of Assets