Click or drag to resize
GeonBit.UI Namespace
GeonBit.UI is part of the GeonBit project, and provide a simple yet extensive UI framework for MonoGame based projects. This is the main GeonBit.UI namespace. It contains the UserInterface manager and other important helpers.
Public classDefaultInputProvider
Implement Mouse Input and Keyboard Input for GeonBit.UI + provide some helpful utils you can use externally. This is the object we provide to GeonBit.UI by default, if no other input providers were set by user.
Public classDrawUtils
Helper class with drawing-related functionality.
Public classResources
A static class to init and store all UI resources (textures, effects, fonts, etc.)
Public classTexturesGetterTEnum
A class to get texture with index and constant path part. Used internally.
Public classUserInterface
Main GeonBit.UI class that manage and draw all the UI entities. This is the main manager you use to update, draw, and add entities to.
Public interfaceIKeyboardInput
Define the interface GeonBit.UI uses to get keyboard and typing input from users.
Public interfaceIMouseInput
Define the interface GeonBit.UI uses to get mouse or mouse-like input from users.
Public delegateDefaultParagraphGenerator
Callback to generate default paragraph type for internal entities.
Public delegateEventCallback
A callback function you can register on entity events, like on-click, on-mouse-leave, etc.
Public delegateGenerateTooltipFunc
A function used to generate tooltip entity. Used when the user points on an entity with a tooltip text and show present it.
Public enumerationBuiltinThemes
Enum with all the built-in themes.
Public enumerationCursorType
Curser styles / types.
Public enumerationMouseButton
Mouse buttons.