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ExtendedMath Class
Contain different math utils and vector-related helper functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeonBit.Core.Utils
Assembly:  GeonBit (in GeonBit.dll) Version: (
public static class ExtendedMath

The ExtendedMath type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAnglesDistance
Return distance between two angles, in degrees. For example: AnglesDistance(90, 45) will return 45, AnglesDistance(1, 360) will return 1, etc..
Public methodStatic memberDegreeToRadian
Convert degrees to radians.
Public methodStatic memberExtractYawPitchRoll
Extract yaw, pitch and roll from existing matrix.
Public methodStatic memberGetLeftVector
Return a vector pointing to the 'left' side of a given vector.
Public methodStatic memberGetRightVector
Return a vector pointing to the 'right' side of a given vector.
Public methodStatic memberPickBasedOnProbability
pick a random index based of list of probabilities (array of floats representing chances).
Public methodStatic memberRadianToDegree
Convert radians to degrees.
Public methodStatic memberWrapAngle
Wrap an angle to be between 0 and 360.
Public methodStatic memberWrapRadian
Wrap an radian to be between 0 and 2PI.
See Also