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GeonBit.ECS.Components.Physics Namespace
GeonBit.ECS.Components.Physics contain physics and collision-related components.
Public classBasePhysicsComponent
Basic physical component. All physical components, such as Rigid body, Kinematic body etc, should inherit from this class.
Public classBox2dInfo
Data struct to init a box-2d physical body.
Public classBoxInfo
Data struct to init a box physical body.
Public classCapsuleInfo
Data struct to init a capsule physical body.
Public classConeInfo
Data struct to init a cone physical body.
Public classConvexHullInfo
Data struct to init a convex hull physical body.
Public classCylinderInfo
Data struct to init a cylinder physical body.
Public classEndlessPlaneInfo
Data struct to init an endless plane physical body.
Public classKinematicBody
A Kinematic Body component. This body will not respond to forces, and will always copy the transformations of the parent Game Object.
Public classRigidBody
A rigid body component.
Public classSphereInfo
Data struct to init a sphere physical body.
Public classStaticBody
A Static Body component. This body will not respond to forces, and will always copy the transformations of the parent Game Object. It is optimized for static, constant things like terrain, trees, rocks, walls, etc.
Public classTriangleInfo
Data struct to init a triangle physical body.
Public interfaceIBodyShapeInfo
The interface for a physical body shape info (object with data about how to create the shape for this physical body).
Public enumerationPhysicalBodyShapeTypes
Different physical body shapes we can have.