Simple 2D Vectors for JavaScript

Project maintained by RonenNess Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

What is it

Vector2js is an open-source project that provide simple 2D vectors for JavaScript applications.
It works on all major browsers + Node.js with 100% test coverage.

Live Demo

To see a live demo with Vectors calculator, please surf with a wider-screen device.


You can install Vector2js from npm: npm install vector2js Or you can just download the repo and include the main JavaScript file from /dist/.

Usage & API

Vector2js exports one main object, Vector. To instanciate a new vector, simply use: // on nodejs / browserify, require the vector class first:
var Vector = require("vector2js");

// create a new vector
var vec = new Vector(1,1);
Or, you can create a new vector from a given angle (its length will be 1 by default): // create vector with length of 1 from radian:
var vec = Vector.from_radian(0.785398);

// create vector with length of 1 from degree:
var vec = Vector.from_degree(45);
Once you created a vector, you can use all the API below.

Vector API

Here are all the API functions of the vector class:

.clone ()


Clone the vector and return the cloned instance.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.equals (vector)

Get if equal to another vector

Param vector - other vector to compare with.

Return: If Vectors Are Equal.

.copy (vector)


Set values from another vector. this changes value of self.

Param vector - other vector to get values from.

Return: Self.

.copyX (vector)


Set only the x component from another vector.

Return: Self.

.copyY (vector)


Set only the y component from another vector.

Return: Self.

.toDict ()

Convert to a dictionary with {x, y}.

Return: A Dictionary Representation Of The Vector.

.toArray ()

Convert to array with x, y.

Return: An Array Representation Of The Vector.

.set (x, y)


Set values from x, y.

Param x - optional x component to set.

Param y - optional y component to set.

Return: Self.

.flipXY ()


Clone and flip between x and y values.

Return: Cloned Vector With Flipped X And Y Components.

.flipXYSelf ()


Flip between x and y values.

Return: Self.

.invert ()


Clone and invert x and y values (like multiply with -1, eg x, y => -x, -y)

Return: Cloned Vector With Inverted Values.

.invertSelf ()


Invert x and y values (like multiply with -1, eg x, y => -x, -y)

Return: Self.

.distanceFrom (other)

Get the distance from another vector.

Param other - vector to get distance from.

Return: Distance Between Vectors.

.radiansTo (other)

Get angle from another vector in radians.

Return: Angle In Radians From This To Other.

.degreesTo (other)

Get degrees from another vector in degrees.

Return: Angle In Degrees From This To Other.

.toRadians (other)

Convert this vector to a radian angle.
This is equivalent to doing

Return: Angle In Radians.

.toDegrees (other)

Convert this vector to degree.
This is equivalent to doing

Return: Angle In Degrees (0-360).

.rotateDegreesSelf (degrees)


Rotate this vector by a given degree.

Param degrees - degrees to rotate this vector by (can be positive or negative).

Return: Self.

.rotateDegrees (degrees)


Clone and rotate the vector by a given degree.

Param degrees - degree to rotate this vector by (can be positive or negative).

Return: Cloned Rotated Vector.

.rotateRadiansSelf (radians)


Rotate this vector by a given radian.

Param radians - radians to rotate this vector by (can be positive or negative).

Return: Self.

.rotateRadians (radians)


Clone and rotate the vector by a given degree.

Param radians - radians to rotate this vector by (can be positive or negative).

Return: Cloned Rotated Vector.

.length ()

Calculate the length of this vector (aka magnitude).

Return: Vector Length.

.normalizeSelf ()


Normalize this vector, eg make length equal 1.

Return: Self.

.normalize ()


Clone and normalize the vector.

Return: Normalized Vector.

.addSelf (other)


Add other vector to self.
For example, v(10, 11) + v(5, 6) = v(15, 17).

Param other - vector to add components to self.

Return: Self.

.subSelf (other)


Subtract other vector from self.
For example, v(10, 10) - v(2, 3) = v(8, 7).

Param other - vector to subtract components from self.

Return: Self.

.divSelf (other)


Divide self by other vector.
For example, v(10, 20) / v(2, 5) = v(5, 4).

Param other - vector to divide components from self.

Return: Self.

.mulSelf (other)


Multiply self vector by other vector.
For example, v(2, 3) * v(3, 4) = v(6, 12).

Param other - vector to multiply components with self.

Return: Self.

.addScalarSelf (val)


Add scalar value to self.
For example, v(2, 3) + 5 = v(7, 8).

Param val - value to add to components.

Return: Self.

.subScalarSelf (val)


Subtract scalar from self.
For example, v(7, 9) - 5 = v(3, 4).

Param val - value to subtract from components.

Return: Self.

.divScalarSelf (val)


Divide self by scalar.
For example, v(6, 8) / 5 = v(3, 4).

Param val - value to divide components by.

Return: Self.

.mulScalarSelf (val)


Multiply self by scalar.
For example, v(2, 3) * 2 = v(4, 6).

Param val - value to multiply components with.

Return: Self.

.add (other)


Clone self and add other vector to it.

Param other - vector to add with.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.sub (other)


Clone self and subtract other vector from it.

Param other - vector to subtract with.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.mul (other)


Clone self and multiply by other vector.

Param other - vector to multiply with.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.div (other)


Clone self and divide by other vector.

Param other - vector to divide with.

Param scalar - value to divide by.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.addScalar (scalar)


Clone self and add scalar to it.

Param scalar - value to add.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.subScalar (scalar)


Clone self and substract scalar from it.

Param scalar - value to subtract.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.mulScalar (scalar)


Clone self and multiply by scalar.

Param scalar - value to multiply with.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.divScalar (scalar)


Clone self and divide by scalar.

Param scalar - value to divide by.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.clampSelf (min, max)


Clamp vector values into range.
Note: this function does not validate that min < max.

Param min - min value for x, y components.

Param max - max value for x, y components.

Return: Self.

.clamp (min, max)


Clone vector and clamp its values.
Note: this function does not validate that min < max.

Param min - min value for x, y components.

Param max - max value for x, y components.

Return: Cloned Vector In Range.

.applySelf (func)


Apply a function on x and y components of the vector.
For example, you can use math.round to round the vector x, y values.

Param func - function to apply on components.

Return: Self.

.apply (func)


Clone self and apply a function on x and y components of the clone vector.
For example, you can use math.round to round the vector x, y values.

Param func - function to apply on components.

Return: Cloned Vector.

.absSelf ()


Turn self to absolute values (eg turn x, y positive).

Return: Self.

.abs ()


Clone and turn to absolute values (eg turn x, y positive).

Return: Cloned Vector.

.roundSelf ()


Turn self to round values (eg turn x, y positive).

Return: Self.

.round ()


Clone and turn to round values (eg turn x, y positive).

Return: Cloned Vector.

.dot (other)

Calculate dot-product of this vector with another vector.

Param other - other vector to calculate dot-product with.

Return: Dot Product.

.cross (other)

Calculate cross-product of this vector with another vector.

Param other - other vector to calculate cross-product with.

Return: Dot Product.

.repairSelf (x, y)


If any of the components of this vector are nan, null, undefined, etc. set them to defaults.
Note: 0's are considered to be a valid number and will not be replaced with a default value.

Param x - default value for x if undefined (0 if not defined).

Param y - default value for y if undefined (0 if not defined).

Return: Self.

.repair (x, y)


Create a clone and if any of the components of the vector are nan, null, undefined, etc. set them to default.
Note: 0's are considered to be a valid number and will not be replaced with a default value.

Param x - default value for x if undefined (0 if not defined).

Param y - default value for y if undefined (0 if not defined).

Return: Repaired Clone.

.toString ()

Convert to string in the form of "x,y".

Return: String Representation Of The Vector.

.format (format)

Convert to a string with a given format.

Param format - a string in which %x and %y will be replaced with the vector values.

Return: Formatted String Representing The Vector.


Vector2js comes with few useful constant vectors you can use: = new Vector(0, 0); = new Vector(1, 1);
Vector.up = new Vector(0, -1);
Vector.down = new Vector(0, 1);
Vector.left = new Vector(-1, 0);
Vector.right = new Vector(1, 0);
Vector.upLeft = new Vector(-1, -1);
Vector.downLeft = new Vector(-1, 1);
Vector.upRight = new Vector(1, -1);
Vector.downRight = new Vector(1, 1);

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Vector2js? Feel free to report bugs at github issues or contact me at