
Simple parser for URL get & hash params.

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Micro lib (less than 2K!) to handle URL params like dictionaries.

Support GET params and Hash (if you want to use Fragment identifier to store a dictionary of values). Reliably build back URLs.


You can install via npm:

npm install urldict

Or bower:

bower install urldict

Or simply download the js files from /dist/ in this repo.


Lets start with a simple example that covers most of it:

// create a new urlDict object
var urlDict = new UrlDict("www.example.com");

// set url GET param
urlDict.GET.set("a", 123);
urlDict.GET.set("b", 456);

// build url. output will be "www.example.com?a=123&b=456"

// now set hash param
urlDict.HASH.set("foo", "bar");

// and now url output will be "www.example.com?a=123&b=456#foo=bar"

Or if you want to get params from existing url:

// build new url dict from url with GET and HASH params
var urlDict = new UrlDict("www.example.com?a=123&b=456#foo=bar");

// will output "123":

// will output "bar"

Note that UrlDict try to parse params using the JSON parser, which means that values like a=true will be returned as a boolean, and b=123 as a number. However, there’s a special exception that if the value is not a valid JSON string it will just treat it as string.

Full API

To create a new UrlDict object:

// if 'url' is not provided, will use location.href instead.
var urlDict = new UrlDict(url);

To build the full URL from UrlDict, use toUrl():

var url = urlDict.toUrl();

To get or set just the base URL, without the GET or Hash params, use getBaseUrl() and setBaseUrl():

// set the base url, eg the part before the GET and hash params:

// get the base url, eg the part before the GET and hash params:
var baseUrl = urlDict.getBaseUrl();

To get a dictionary containing both GET and HASH params (objects are mutable and changing them will affect the urlDict), use asDict():

// get params as dictionary
var params = urlDict.asDict();

// show GET params

// show HASH params

// to add a new GET param to url
params.GET["a"] = 123;


The main API to set / get URL params is via the GET and HASH objects. They share the same API:

// set url GET param
urlDict.GET.set("a", 123);

// get url GET param
var a = urlDict.GET.get("a");

// remove url GET param

// clear all url GET params

The API above is the same for HASH object.

Or you can just get all params as a mutable dictionary (changing this dictionary will change the urlDict object):

// get all url GET params as a dictionary:
var getParams = urlDict.GET.asDict();

// change a url GET param
getParams["a"] = 123;

Tests & Browser support

urldict is fully testes on Node.js, IE7, Edge, Chrome, FireFox and Opera, and have 100% code coverage.


Test in browsers

To test UrlDict in browsers just open the file /tests/test.html with the browser of your choice.

Test in Node.js

To test in nodejs first install qunit-cli:

npm install qunit-cli

Then you can run the following command from the project root:

qunit-cli tests/test.js


UrlDict is distributed under the MIT license and is free to use for any personal or commercial purpose.